Thursday, November 12, 2009

rain in delmarva

For the last three days we have had rain all the ditches were brimming this afternoon and on my way home the road to the house had a foot of water over the road . Just heard on wgmd that they closed the indian river bridge.

State of emergency declared for Kent & Sussex Counties PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 November 2009
As of 6pm, Governor Jack Markell has declared a state of emergency for Kent and Sussex County to better enable response to the storm. He has authorized the National Guard to position heavy vehicles and personnel in several Sussex County locations so they’re ready to respond for any flooding overnight or Friday.  DEMA officials will monitor the weather throughout the night.

It is what it is part 2
This man has great talent in getting things done and just think with many great minds at work this country could be in a better place.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

" It is what it is"

Given a task for one man or two or many today or yesterday when the task is done or the day is over " It is what it is"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A day in time

Just some thoughts in a day in time.
I went out on a road trip this weekend to the upper Midwest. Traveled the countries manager highways Stopping at the rest stop for a break, thinking that the people that work there have thankless jobs most people are coming and going with their trips planned out, everyone doing their own thing with the people to take care of the rest stop without much thanks. But without these very special people there would be a lot of uncomfortable travelers. I just want to thank you all for your thankless jobs

In a day in time.

Monday, August 17, 2009